Whew! Well, a lot has happened in the past month! Here's a quick recap:
The Dude turned 1!!
Here he is.... (getting ready for his big day!)

Quick change of clothes.... "Being 1" definitely does rock!
(Especially when you cut off your sleeves and turn your otherwise boring t-shirt into a rockin' muscle shirt!)
The Birthday boy!!!
So, he's not quite sure what to think of all of us singing...
But it didn't take him long to figure this out....

Party goers....

Very special people.....
When we weren't consumed with birthday matters, we were at softball.
When she was doing this....
and this....

We were doing this....
and this....
So school is out tomorrow!! YAY!! Sweet freedom... from softball, homework, school projects, piano, (yes Louise, we will practice!!) & me doing hair appointments. (hee-hee, I crack myself up!) Basically, what I'm saying is that we don't want to be involved in anything that has any resemblance of STRUCTURE!! Woo Hoo! Bring on the popsicles, beach towels, & s'mores! We're ready!