The Windy City
We just got back from an AWESOME trip to Chicago. Seriously, it was one of the best trips we've ever taken there.
We were a bit nervous about how Max would fair... HE ROCKED! It must have been the horns honking, Christmas lights, hustle & bustle of city life & caramel corn that lulled him into (3) 3-4 hour naps a day!! (And yes, his nights were great!).
Eating our way through Chicago was the hi-light of the trip! (I did turn 40 while we were there... maybe I was consoling myself?)

Garrett's Popcorn anyone? Seriously, have you tasted the stuff? I told Tom that I didn't want a birthday cake... I simply wanted FRESH Garrett's EVERY day. Too much to ask? Not when your hotel is a mere 1 block from it!
These clowns were a bit freaky. (At the Museum of Science & Industry)
Fabulous trip. Happy Holidays!!