22 March 2012

Homeboy And A Snail

We have been having unusually AWESOME weather around here. Yesterday it got up to 86 degrees! WHAT? We've been loving it. (I hope that there 's not going to be some huge price to pay... like some weird  batch of crazy spiders that have been laying dormant all winter long and have decided to prematurely come out of their slumber.... only to have to inevitably hibernate next week IN MY HOUSE!) Seriously, I kept myself awake last night thinking about this.  I also thought about the fact that my dog drank river water yesterday and might break out in a case of  "something" due to "storm water runoff, pesticide runoff, or  industrial waste"... Here's to hoping that exposure to sunlight, aeration, and micro-organisms in the water would counteract all that... But I digress.
Back to our weather.... we have been enjoying every minute of it. Case in point: Yesterday, Tom decided to take Max & Carmine to the park. Great idea. When he told me that he was going to ride his bike, I didn't really think much about it. When I came home, I passed Tom on his bike: See picture below:
 Look a little closer: (aka: The "sway like" dip at the bottom of the carrier.)

Why yes, that is my son and my 50 pound dog in the carrier. WHAT? See, here's the deal. Homeboy (Carmine) has the endurance of a.... Hmmm, I even can't come up with an example of an animal that would be less motivated than Homeboy. I would say snail... but I believe that even though a snail is "slow"... he keeps a steady pace. Unlike Homeboy. Don't get me wrong, he does pretty good for the first 50 yards or so. Then he either lays down, or walks at a snails pace.
There, I knew he and a snail would be somehow comparable. 

They were all exhausted to say the least. Especially Homeboy.