21 January 2012

11 Years Later

How did this baby turn into:

This baby?
Ok, so she's not a "baby" anymore.
Tom took this picture of Isabel and me on the morning of her 11th birthday last week. When I saw it, it reminded me of  the first  picture. Isabel was 6 months old & I was totally in the throws of new-motherhood. I vividly remember when Tom took the picture. Isabel had been up and down all night  long.... but I was young(er) and could handle it. I was just happy to be a mom. So here we are 11 years later... in the same chair and in the same position. Minus the binky, and plus the pre-teen attitude.  Don't get me wrong. She is still the same sweet & thoughtful girl. She's just changing into a young woman who is figuring out her place in life.  Oh how I love what she is turning into. I look forward to the next 11 years.

She will never leave me.
I know this because I will be right behind her.
(Yes, I know I've said that before. Because it's true.)
And then there's this character. I could eat him with a spoon.