18 August 2010

Whew! July and August have almost escaped me! So much has been going on and so little time to blog! I'm going to do this in sections.... some now, and some later.
(Depending on how long I have before Max wakes up from his nap!)

Here are a few hi-lights!
A fun visit from Sue and Erik

Walked in the Relay 4 Life.... in honor of my very special friend Jodie.. xoxo.

Gazed at my handsome brother Erik....

Went canoeing down the Chippewa river...

Max had his first babysitter!!
(While I took Isabel and a friend to the pool)

Visited the Detroit Zoo...

Had a 2 month checkup!! All's well and perfect!!

Took Max to Benihana's!!
(His first of MANY dinners here!)

Lots of Growing!

Lots of Swimming!

Lots of Smiling!

So there you have the first part of my post.... We just got back from a trip to the Oregon coast. More on that later!!