We have a local organization in our town called ART REACH. I'm sure that many towns have organizations such as this one... but ours is "dedicated to cultivating interest, stirring passion and providing educational tools for the art in Mid Michigan." In 1981, several small art groups merged to create "Art Reach of Mid Michigan". With the help of local businesses and individuals, a local 100 year old church was purchased and transformed into a functional art center, complete with imaginitive programs for the community.
It is a great organization! Isabel takes numerous classes there and loves every minute of them!
Last year, Art Reach started something called "FESTIVAL OF BANNERS". One of their goals is to produce 250 banners that will be designed and painted by the citizens of Isabella County. These banners will fly on downtown street poles, on campus and other places in our town. The festival is a celebration of art and COMMUNITY SPIRIT!
So today we painted a banner..
It was a great day.