18 October 2009

Well, there has been a lot happening around here....
OK, so not a WHOLE lot... just a lot with Grandma and Grandpa.
Below is a picture of Isabel and Grandpa burning leaves at the lake where Allen and Lou are staying.
Every year Tom and I complain about the constant raking that we have to do at our property at this time of year.... well this year I think Allen and Lou feel our "pain". Everyday they tell us how they "rake the leaves... but within minutes they are back!"
It's been a great Michigan experience for them!!
(By the way, does anyone else feel that they are standing a bit too close to the fire????)
Here is Lou with Isabel and a friend on the school bus on the way to a field trip.
May I just say how COLD it was that day!
(Again.... another "Michigan" experience)
We went to a state park on the coast of Lake Huron.... it was a "nature walk" and we even ate lunch outside....(not my idea of the best field trip... but it was fun nonetheless....)