12 September 2009

So, I've been meaning to post a few pictures from Isabel's first day of school! What an event.... we had to have the hair just right... the clothes just right.... the right breakfast... the right book bag.... the right "book bag jewelry".... etc. But alas, it went off without a hitch!
Then, since she only had a half day, we went to one of our favorite places for lunch: Loafers Glory. (Which incidentally, we noticed that it has become a traditional place for us to go to on the FIRST and LAST day(s) of school.)

Then, on the 2nd day of school I had neck surgery on the disc between C5 & C6. Here we are in the hospital room:

All's well. I'm home and feeling better everyday. I only had to spend one night in the hospital...with good drugs I might add. (Sorry Sue, Dad & anyone else I may have called MULTIPLE times that night!)

So there it is. Our week in a nutshell. Oh, and everyone say your prayers, cross your fingers, say some Hail Mary's etc... for us, because we have a "potential buyer" for our condo!! Woo Hoo!