We made it! It was quite an experience...10 hours of solid snowmobiling! (We did take a couple of breaks that involved lunch, hot chocolate and a bathroom/tree!)
What I would like to talk about right now is the delicate balancing act of co-parenting. You see, this whole snowmobiling trip was Tom's idea. He grew up snowmobiling among many other winter outdoor activities. I on the other hand had only been on a snowmobile once before this trip. So, knowing Tom's history....I was a little nervous to let my girl ride on the back of his snowmobile. Here's where the balancing act of parenting comes in.
Naturally, Tom was super excited to take Isabel out to experience what he grew up with.
Naturally, I wanted to protect her from it. (Hence...why she is on MY snowmobile)
After awhile, she grew bored of my "safe" riding...and asked to "go on Daddy's". I cringed....but gave in. You see, even though I didn't have total control while she was with Tom....I could see her easily and knew that she was OK. And quite frankly, given MY experience on a snowmobile, she was much safer with Tom than with me. (Even though Tom went over 60 miles per hour...and I barely went 50!)
For the next few hours...this is all I saw: (mostly from a looooooong distance!)
But eventually, she wanted to come back to me. (See! Doesn't she look happy to be with me!)
You see, my dad tells me that Dad's are the ones who push the kids to be more daring and Mom's are the "safe" ones.....I have a theory of my own. I think that when given the opportunity to try something new....it should always be encouraged by both parents. But it's good for the child to feel "safe" if they don't want to do it. Isabel was a bit scared at times with Tom on the snowmobile....and I encouraged her to just "hold on tight". But when she had had enough...she knew that she was welcome to join the "safe" side.
All in all...it was an awesome trip!! Thanks for suggesting it Tom!! (And thanks for remembering the Motrin! We're too old for 10 hours of snowmobiling!)